Earth Day 2024 - Neuhabitat

Earth Day 2024

This is Earth Day 22.4.2024

On this day, is honoring our planet with this year's theme: Planet vs. Plastics. Neuhabitat has signed the "Global Plastics Treaty", a petition calling on the United Nations and governments around the world to commit to a 60% reduction of all fossil fuel-based plastic production by 2040.

We've spoken about plastics previously and also provided a comparative analysis between plant fiber and plastic fiber based on cost of production and scalability.

This year's Earth Day theme provides us with some insights on how and why the problem of plastic waste pollution has not been properly addressed and why plastic recycling is not the only solution we should adopt.

6%. That is Singapore's plastic recycling rate and less than 10% of all plastics ever produced globally has been recycled. Well, the figures are bleak, but you've been doing your part as a responsible global citizen, dutifully putting your plastics in the blue recycle bin, so what is going on?

Click this link to understand the real economics of recycling and how Big Oil has a part to play in the Big Lie about recycling.

YOU have a responsibility to reduce plastic usage and in turn its production. Every single-use plastic product you use not only requires fossil fuel utilization, they come with CO² emissions that cause climate change, planet degradation, the destruction of our biodiversity and the disruption of whole communities.

We sincerely hope you would sign the petition and take climate action for your children and a sustainable future for the planet. Say "no" to single-use plastics!

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